星期四, 一月 03, 2008

April 24th: Day of Justice (part 2)

2: The Spirit of April 24th
• Nichiren Daishonin often cites the Lotus Sutra passage, “There will be many ignorant people who will curse and speak ill of us” (Lotus Sutra, p. 193). Being the object of such disparagement because of one’s efforts for kosen-rufu is proof that one is a true practitioner of the Lotus Sutra. In “Letter from Sado,” the Daishonin writes, “Worthies and sages are tested by abuse” (The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, p. 301). Refusing to be deterred by abuse, false accusations, and scorn is the very mark of a person of true faith and practice.
• After the announcement of his resignation, Daisaku Ikeda did not go home. He went straight to the brand new Kanagawa Culture Center and reflected upon the significance of Daishonin’s persecution. He took a brush with ink and wrote the calligraphy “Justice,” and in the margin he added “I will carry the banner of justice alone.”
• The origin of Daisaku Ikeda’s stand alone spirit goes back to March 29, 1958, at Taiseki Temple. Hearing about the report of corruption and abuse happening in Nichiren Shoshu, Soka Gakkai President Toda told him “For that reason, you must fight adamantly against any evil that takes root within the priesthood. Do you hear me? You must never retreat a single step. Never slacken in your struggle against such evil.” Daisaku Ikeda took this as Toda’s last will to his beloved disciple and etched it into his life. Toda passed away four days later. (The Human Revolution, p. 1911)

3. The Importance of Protecting the SGI
When Daisaku Ikeda was deposed as president, his reasoning was that he could protect SGI members from the priesthood’s attacks if he sacrificed himself. He moved out of the president’s office at the headquarters building, but he continued to lead the world peace movement from wherever he was. He encouraged members with home visitations, playing piano, composing songs, writing poems, and holding small meetings. If you are acting to encourage even one person, you are protecting the whole organization.

4. Discussion Questions
• What can we learn from President Ikeda's actions during this time?
• Does April 24th have special meaning for youth?
• How can we carry on the spirit of April 24th today?

